Life Science Invest

Investerar i framtiden

Sveriges störtsta ängelnätverk inom life science.         

Erfarna entreprenörer som investerar smarta pengar i startups inom Life Science och Medtech.



Ny investerarutbildning 2025, läs mer här

Om Life Science InvestAffärsänglar


LSI Epsilon invest in AAX Biotech.

LSI Epsilon invest in AAX Biotech.

Say hi to AAX Biotech AB! ✨ It is with excitement and joy we present LSI Epsilon's third investment. AAX Biotech is a Swedish biotech company enabling and accelerating the development of highly effective antibody-based medicines. We look forward to work with Maria...

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LSI Epsilon invest in Key2Brain.

LSI Epsilon invest in Key2Brain.

Hello Key2Brain AB! ✨ It is with great pleasure that we can present LSI Epsilon's second investment. Key2Brain is a Swedish biotechnology company developing a novel and efficacious brain targeting platform technology. We look forward to work with Elisabet Sjöström,...

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MyCural wins the Nordic Star Award

MyCural wins the Nordic Star Award

Our portfolio company MyCural Therapeutics has won the Nordic Star 2024 Award at Nordic Life Science Days. So well deserved Alina Castell and team, you are fantastic. Thank you Innovestor, Johnson & Johnson and SwedenBIO for organising the prise.

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Investeringsprocess och modell

Det finns många startup-bolag inom Life Science. Vi kan inte utvärdera alla utan försöker hitta bolag inom vår nisch. Vilka bolag är då intressanta för oss?

Våra affärsänglar

Life Science Invests delägare har en mycket bred och djup erfarenhet inom Life Science.
Här presenteras en del av dem.